
I am currently laying down in bed with my daughter at the moment. She is on her Nintendo Switch and I am watching YouTube and typing this blog post which I have wanted to do for a long time. There are numerous reasons for starting a blog. I have heard that it can be very therapeutic, and I have some chronic illnesses and I think that awareness and understanding is important. What started it all is Type 1 diabetes. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in April 1996 when I was 14 years old. I have since been diagnosed with gastroparesis, coeliac disease (both diagnosed in September 2015), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (diagnosed in October 2017), Endometriosis (more specifically Adenomyosis, diagnosed in 2013), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (recently diagnosed), Psoriasis (diagnosed recently), depression and anxiety (diagnosed 2014), high platelets (investigating the cause), high cholesterol, GORD and dysmenorrhoea. The biggest issue that is affecting me at the moment is all of them I guess but what I physically feel is the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am absolutely stuffed. I nap a lot, I am struggling with extreme fatigue, especially after exercise and I am experiencing pain in my legs and neck and shoulders. I have been in constant contact with my GP (doctor) and he would like me to reduce my HBA1C down and that seems like an impossible task to do. I am on an insulin pump and I count my carbs but I still seem to struggle with high blood sugars. I also love carbs but I count them and don’t eat without giving insulin. I must make changes though if I want to try and improve my overall quality of life. I always think that my gastroparesis is not that bad, and I take medication for it before I eat but maybe that’s why my blood glucose levels are high. Who knows?!?  It could also be stress that affecting me. I have recently had a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy to see why my platelets are high and the area feels bruised, so I am resting the area on a pillow. Well, my hand is hurting (Carpal Tunnel Surgery on the 18/7/18, woohoo) so I’ll sign off. To quote Tigger “TTFN, Ta Ta For Now."


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